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We have everything under one roof, that you could possibly need to produce an event.

WildSide Online Inc. has all the tools readily available at your fingertips to produce the perfect event: Race Logistics, Race RFID Timing, Printing, Awards, T-Shirts, Sponsors, etc… Our company has been in the business for over 30 years and is the best in the business. If you are a sponsor looking to gain more exposure into the multi sport market we can maximize your exposure to the audience you desire in this industry. Browse our site and please feel free to contact us with any questions or if you need assistance. Make that next step and find out how you can take your event to the WildSide. Contact us by filling out the form below.

WildSide Event Properties:

Event Management/RFID Timing Inquiries

Call us: 1.954.661.2732 or fill out the form below

Marketing Street Team / Eblasts

Call us: 1.954.661.2732 or Contact Us