About Us 2018-07-30T18:11:24+00:00


Our company planeted its roots in the event management industry over 30 years ago and since then has raised the bar in its standards with each and every event that we produce. WildSide Online Inc. prides itself in being the best one stop shop Multi-Sport event management company in the nation, if not the world. We are involved with over 300 events each year across the globe and have the ability to provide the same quality service in any location. We maintain a standard within our services that must be uniform at each and every event. We have fun with what we do and love our jobs. Our clients come to us, repeatedly, year after year, because of our creative insight and our ability to take a vision and make it a reality. This is what it takes for an event to cross into the WildSide! Our product is somewhat unique and we are not like your traditional event management company. Most companies will subcontract vendors to handle certain tasks such as RFID Timing, logistics, entertainment, sound, printing, awards, t-shirts, etc. We handle everything in house, and because of this we can offer the lowest prices on the planet! We own our own printing company, we stock our own T-Shirts, manufacture our own awards, and we own an RFID Timing company. In fact our timing company happens to be the first RFID timing company in North America. We were the first commerical timers to use Champion Chip in the United States and the first commercial timing comapny to purchase and use Chronotrack systems DTAG/BTAG systems in the World. We are extremely proud of these endeavors and this proves we are on the leading edge of technology and never settling to be less than the best! We hope you will take the time to fill out our contact form and look forward to the opportunity to foster a working business relationship.


Josh Stern
WildSide Online Inc.

Event Management

Call us: 1.954.661.2732